Best Things To Do In Siem Reap: Things You Shouldn't Miss

Although best known for the stunning ruins of Angkor, the town of Siem Reap is full of temples, ruins, canals and reservoirs, making up one of the most important archeological sites in Southeast Asia! So it’s no wonder that travelers are attracted here by the thousands. With the amount of traffic coming in increasing, this town has stepped up its game and become quite the tourist destination. Many travelers flock here to experience these magnificent ruins but then leave before exploring the rest of Siem Reap, why? This tiny town may be lacking in size, but it by no means lacks in history and entertainment. Packed with hostels and hotels, day and night tours, plenty of delicious food and night time parties, there is a lot more beyond Angkor. To help you get the most out of this tourist wonderland, here’s our top list of things to see and do. Things to Do in Siem Reap, Cambodia Explore the Stunning Angkor Wat You can’t have a top things to do list in Siem Reap wi...