Phu Quoc Island Guide | Vietnam

Why Phu Quoc Island? Phu Quoc is a rustic and remote island in Southern Vietnam that is actually located in Cambodia territory. It’s a top-notch tropical destination with a plethora of coconut palm tree speckled beaches; the water is both crystal clear and vibrantly turquoise; the afternoons are peaceful and quiet and the evenings are lively and fun. What really sets Phu Quoc apart is the warm and friendly hospitality of the locals. Nearly every person we came across went out of their way to befriend us, and provide some sort of assistance. Phu Quoc Vs. Phuket In terms of size, Phu Quoc is actually quite large. It’s similar in size to Phuket in Thailand, but other than that I don’t see many similarities in the two Islands, and yet so many people compare them to each other. I’ve read people post on TripAdvisor so many times “which should I go to? Phu Quoc or Phuket?” as if they are actually similar enough that a simple ‘one or the other’ decision could be made. ...