Top Things To Do In Hanoi, Vietnam

We arrived to Hanoi, Vietnam via airplane. The 40-minute ride from the airport to the city in a minibus cost ₫100,000(Vietnamese Dong)(approximately 4.50 USD) per person. However, the 40 minute ride, turned into two hours, after waiting to fill the minibus and dropping others off. If you do not have the time to wait, you can take a taxi for around ₫400,000.
If you are traveling to Hanoi with three or four people, remember this means the taxi is equivalently priced as waiting for a minibus. 
We arrived in the evening, so we just walked around neighborhood to check out the the mini shops, where you can find pretty much anything. 

Hoan Kiem Lake

Hoan Kiem Lake GoAsiaDayTrip

The next day we woke up early and left to the Hoan Kiem Lake. The lake itself is dirty but has tons of shops around the edges, as well as great picture opportunities across the lake. In the middle of the lake is Turtle Tower, a small temple which you cannot access. 

Jade Mountain Temple

Ngoc Son Temple GoAsiaDayTrip

The lake also has a beautiful red bridge that takes you to the Jade Mountain Temple, on a larger island within the lake. It provides a beautiful oasis in the center of a bustling city. The entrance fee is 30,000 dong or 15,000 with a student ID. 

Hanoi Opera House

Hanoi opera house goasiadaytrip

We walked east, away from the lake along the street until we hit the Hanoi Opera House and the Hanoi Stock Exchange building. The Opera house is a beautiful building to see and photograph. It is also centrally located to many of the big shopping centers in the city. 

Saint Joseph Cathedral

The Saint Joseph Cathedral is the oldest church in Hanoi, built resembling the Notre Dame de Paris. Around the church are a lot of little shops. We almost missed seeing the church because we had to go through an alley which we thought was a dead end.

By Travel to Blank


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